Are you aware of the fact that food affects exam performance? We have all heard the phrase - a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. However, does your child has healthy eating habits? Are they eating adequality?
Eating healthy is essential for students in order score better in exams. Skipping meals and eating unhealthy junk food can be detrimental to your child’s performance. The human body needs essential nutrients to function adequately, and that is why it is imperative to have healthy eating habits.
Students who are preparing for competitive exams like NEET must eat healthily and stay hydrated to focus better. NEET test is an important exam for students, and they must eat full meals when preparing for this exam.
Why is Breakfast Important?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and great a way to refuel your body with vital nutrients. Skipping breakfast will make students feel tired and restless which can affect their performance at school and tests. Eating healthy also stimulates the mood and keep children active.
There are several benefits of eating a healthy breakfast.
● Increases Metabolism
● Helps in maintaining a healthy weight
● Enhances Mood and Lowers Stress
● Boosts thinking power
● Essential for daily dietary requirements
● Improves memory and concertation power
● Improves attention span
What to include in your child’s breakfast?
Our brain requires some essential nutrients to perform efficiently. The human brain utilizes 35% of all vitamins and minerals, 20% of all glucose, 40% of all water and 50% of all the fat from out body. Staggering numbers, right? This is what the largest organ of our body consumes.
Brain Foods are the food products which are good at nourishing the human brain and provide the essential nutrients. Food high in carbohydrates, fat, protein, and water are principally good for our brain.
The most essential and easily available brain foods that you should feed your kids are mentioned below.
● Nuts
● Apples
● Blueberries
● Yogurt
● Pumpkin Seeds
● Broccoli
● Sage
● Dark Chocolate
● Green Vegetables
● Eggs
● Turmeric
Say YES to Brain-Boosting Beverages
Water is an essential drink to include in your child’s routine. Make sure your child drinks at least three to four liters of water every day. If your child is dehydrated, it will lead to loss of concentration and induce headaches. Ask your child to drink water at specific intervals even if they do not feel thirsty. Drinking water only when one feels thirsty is a sign of slight dehydration. Fruit juice is also an excellent way to replenish essential nutrients and will help your child in better concentration.
Say NO to Brain Blocking Beverages
Avoid sugary drinks like sodas and cold drinks. They increase the blood sugar level and are complex foods that require more energy to be broken down by the body. Avoid caffeine at all costs since it increases nervousness.
Things to Keep in Mind
Eating a healthy breakfast improves the concentration skills and is good for long-term health. Give you child a balanced diet to enhances their cognitive skills. Make sure you cook foods with low-sugar and high-fiber cereals. Most grains are enriched with high vitamin and mineral contents which contribute to the growth and development of a child. It will also control weight. When students skip their breakfast, they do not replenish their blood sugar, which disturbs their mental abilities. They may feel nervous and hungry and might respond with impatience or petulance. Elevate your child’s mood with their favorite breakfast on the morning of a test.
A student needs proper nutrients to function better. To increase memory retention feed a balanced diet to your child. A week before an important exam like the NEET Test make sure your child has started sleeping well. Getting enough sleep is as important as eating a healthy diet.