We are all aware that NEET is one of the most challenging entrance exams in India. Students aiming to become doctors appear for NEET to secure a seat in one the most prestigious medical colleges. Less than a month is left for the exam and students are actively solving NEET test papers to strengthen their preparation. Many students will feel the nervousness surrounding them and the stress is natural in such a crucial time of their careers. Candidates appearing for NEET should keep their morale high and give their best shot.
If you are appearing for NEET then here are five things you must follow while writing the exam.
Take your Seat and Relax
After you reach the exam center on time, look for the seating plan and take your seat. Relax and don’t think about anything. Just keep yourself relaxed and wait for the question paper. Deep breathing will help you curb down nervousness. Don’t let negative thoughts cloud you, and be confident. Trust the hard work you have put in for two years or more.
Read the Question Paper Carefully
Once the question paper is allotted to you, read it thoroughly. Plan your strategy after figuring out the easy, medium, and tough questions. Decide beforehand how much time a question will take and give more weightage to questions with more marks. Also, check whether your question paper is complete and is not missing any pages or has misprints.
Fill Your Details Accurately and Carefully
When you have been handed over the answer sheet, make sure you fill the details accurately. There is no room for error, and you should be very careful while filling your OMR sheet.
Utilize your Strengths First
On the D-day of the examination, it is advisable to attempt the subject you are most confident about first. Attempt the questions that carry the most marks. After you are done with the easy questions, move on to the tougher ones. Once you are done with the questions of a subject, then move on to the next subject. Alternatively, if you are thorough with all the subjects then attempt easy questions first. Always mark questions you have not attempted to review them later. Always remember how you used to solve NEET test papers and implement that strategy.
Move ON
In case you don’tknow the answer to a question, leave it and move on. Do not linger with a question for more than the time it needs. You will be wasting precious time if you spend more time than a question demands.
Stay Positive and Stay Agile
While writing the exam, there will be questions that you may not be able to solve. In that case, move on, and remain confident. The state of mind is crucial, and some students lose concentration and mental agility when they face a roadblock and end up forgetting questions that they actually knew.
It goes without saying that you need to stay hydrated while writing your NEET exam. Dehydration is known to induce headaches and might result in loss of concentration. Carry your water bottle and drink enough but not too much. You cannot afford to lose time by going to a restroom.
Before submitting your answer sheet, crosscheck your answers. Review if you have attempted every question you knew. Double check your details on the answer sheet including your roll number and name.
After the exam is over, keep calm and composed. Don’t discuss your exam right at the exam center. While preparing for NEET always remember to solve NEET test papers and form strategy that will aid in your preparation.