“Cooperative group-based active learning has become one of the benchmark techniques of the reformed, student-centered, introductory biology classroom. In these types of courses, students work together in groups during class to answer questions and solve problems related to key biological concepts” this excerpt is part of an academic paper titled – Is peer interaction necessary for Optimal active learning?
Although this specific reference highlights the benefit of peer interaction in a classroom setting, it is also an excellent way to supplement one’s learning for a self-study approach. Peer interaction not only facilitates better understanding, but also encourages exchange of ideas, study material and useful dialogues.
When preparing for the crucial NEET medical entrance exam, students are not only required to study hard, but should also study smart. Between hard work and smart learning methodology lies peer interaction. When optimally used,it can foster learning and understanding. So, without further ado, let’s discuss some benefits of peer interaction during NEET preparation –
Peer Learning Promotes Active Learning
Analysis, discussion, and evaluation are the crux of active learning. When a group of students get together for a study session a flow of innovative ideas, activities are not far behind. Through peer and active learning, students get to share their strengths and address their weaknesses in a collaborative manner.
Let’s take this following example –
Raghav, Aditya, and Priya have formed a peer study group. All three are medical aspirants. While Raghav is excellent in Physics, Aditya and Priya are struggling with the subject. So, twice a week Raghav interacts with both Aditya and Priya and they reach out to him for doubt clarification.
Conversely, for his struggles in Chemistry, both Priya and Aditya take a turn to clarify Raghav’s doubts on the subject. This is the finest example of how each party has used his or her strength and weakness to work in a collaborative manner.
Peer Interaction Reinforces Self-Learning
So, while a student is tutoring or mentoring his or her peer, they witness personal growth. In their effort to help others, peer tutor needs to focus a lot on their own learning and understanding.
Let’s understand this scenario by the following example:
Raghav, Priya, and Aditya decided to meet for another group study session. It was pre-decided that Raghav would lead the session and will explain Thermodynamics to the group. For the session to go smoothly, Raghav had to study and revise the chapter himself so that the learning he imparts to his peers goes in the right direction. This is the best example to understand how peer interaction encourages self-learning and improvement.
Students feel comfortable when interacting with peers
Peer interaction commands no authority. Although there could be one or two persons with a strong personality, however, everyone in the group is on the same footing. Therefore, students feel freer to voice their opinions and thoughts.
Here is a scenario to explain this point:
The trio (Raghav, Priya & Aditya) are great friends. All three of them are friends since middle school and share a great bond. They don’t judge each other and whenever there is a problem they freely discuss to find a solution. This approach is crucial for NEET medical entrance exam. No doubts or problem should be brushed under the rug. If Aditya is unable to understand a concept in Chemistry or Physics he never hesitates to ask Priya or Raghav the solution for his doubts.
Peer Interaction Boosts Confidence
If you are expert or master of something, the appreciation that you receive from your peers boosts confidence. Similarly, if you are laggingbehind and feel insecure about something, but realize others are also in the same boat, you don’t feel left out.
Take a note from the following example:
As discussed before, Raghav is a master in Physics. So, whenever he is successful in explaining complex numerical or problems in Physics to his friends Aditya and Priya, he feels very happy. In fact, Priya and Aditya often complement Raghav for his aptitude in Physics. This boosts his confidence and motivates him to work harder.
Moral of the Story
Peer interaction begins at the same level. In fact, several institutes of higher learning have acknowledged the benefits of peer learning and have designed positions wherein bright and talented pupils can facilitate learning and understanding amongst their peers.