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How to manage your time when preparing for IIT JEE?
January 23, 2017

Is it difficult for you to find time to study for your IIT JEE exams?


Managing your school plus JEE studies can be quite a task. But don’t fret. With a little bit of time management, you can soon be back on track with your preparations. Time management is essential to make the most of your IIT JEE Exam preparation and to score well in the exam.



Don't let trivial things bother you. Instead, stay focused on your goal. It is crucial that you start making a conscious effort of planning and implementing a preparation plan with effective time management.


Step 1- Make a realistic plan


If you want to make the optimum use of your time while preparing for your exams, make a flexible study plan rather than one which is very tight or unrealistic. Here are a few tips you can use:


·         Sit back and think about your strengths and weakness, and keep aside more time for subjects which you find difficult

·         Time is a big factor when it comes to preparing for IIT entrance examination where an IIT JEE coaching app can help you. Aakash iTutor, also available in the form of an app, gives you the gateway to the broader advantages of our digital learning platform, Aakash iTutor. Under this e-learning program, students are given pre-recorded lectures in an SD card. This SD card can easily be plugged into devices like –desktop, laptop, tablets and even the mobile phones. With Aakash iTutor, students can learn at their own pace, right from the comfort of their home. The e- learning service can be accessed on the go, even without the internet. Students can buy specific video lectures or get the entire curriculum. Aakash iTutor is a great learning platform and an excellent tool for revision and reinforcement



·         Keep aside time for necessary breaks. This is imperative to rejuvenate your body and mind. The continuous study exhausts the mind and well-planned breaks calm it, increasing your productivity

·         Save time and effort by keeping notes of important formulae and graphs which are essential to remember all the time

·         Take help from a IIT JEE coaching app which guides students on how to prepare for the exams and secure a respectable rank


Step 2- Implementing the plan


It is easy to plan but to implement the plan is another task. Here are a few tips which may help you manage time better and implement the plan.


·         Write down the schedule for study time and breaks. Also, keep a calendar at home to mark the dates as per your revision timelines. Make it a point to tick off the dates each day so that you can keep a track of your preparation roster

·         In your timetable, enter all the vital details and dates related to IIT JEE Exam, so that you are well prepared in advance

·         Do a weekly review of your efforts and work towards improving on time management

·         It might also be helpful to keep small notes for writing your day to day study portions

·         Keep aside some time for IIT JEE Online Video Lectures, and mock tests, school studies and coaching lessons in your schedule.


Step 3 - Following up with the plan


·         Give up that urge to get a reply to the Whats-App message and stop checking the constant notifications on Facebook. Manage your time instead. Follow a cogent plan to realize your goals. Train your mind to ignore external pressures or influences that will take away the focus from your dream engineering destination

·         Remember that the most important goal you have right now is cracking IIT-JEE exam. So, let everything else take a back seat

·         Finally, learn to prioritize your day


To follow the above steps, you need to focus on the study matter completely. But more importantly, how will you make that possible?


Here are tips to stay focused and follow the aforementioned steps with ease.


·         Ignore or start saying no to trivial tasks such as watching unnecessary sitcoms, or commenting on each Facebook post, or attending one more “important” school party

·         Amidst a thousand things to do, decide on the ones that are most important and don’t budge from your priorities and tasks. You could also keep a list of the three most important study tasks in a day which will keep you stay focused as well as provide a sense of accomplishment

·         If you are addicted to the TV and end up spending 1-2 hours instead of the decided 30-minute study break with the idiot box, then skip watching TV for a couple of hours and resume only when your revision for the day is over

·         You can’t get rid of your Smartphone as it may have become indispensable, but to not get distracted by it; you could put off the constant notifications that keep you from completing your study goals

Finally try studying for your boards and JEE exam together to save time. Moreover, take help from friends and teachers when needed and refer to the right study material.