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Physics giving you goosebumps? Here’s How JEE Video Lectures Can Help
December 26, 2016

Physics is an integral part of the IIT JEE syllabus, and it can be one heck of a monster for many. If you are a JEE aspirant, you may have purchased a number of reference and curriculum books to befriend Newton, Pascal, and Moseley. However, as comprehensive these books may be, thermodynamics and kinematics and vectors continue to be hostile. 


We understand the ordeal of referring to several books and going back and forth on the tough chapters. It is not only time consuming but confusing as well. But what's the way out?


Worry not! We have a perfect recipe to bust your troubles. 


Aakash iTutor Video Lectures


For a more systematic study, you can switch to Aakash iTutor JEE video lectures. Thanks to the digitization of education, video lectures have revolutionized the way students can learn. Internet and technology have made learning and education more accessible. At the same time, it has perpetuated the concept of self-paced learning. 


Students who have been facing problems, particularly with physics can benefit immensely from JEE physics video lectures specially designed for IIT JEE aspirants. 


There are several advantages of studying from video-lectures. Some of these are listed below –


Learn At Your Pace

Academic researchers have revealed that the average attention span of students in a classroom ranges from 10 to 15 minutes. Secondly, there is ample evidence to show that the exercise of notes taking declines as a classroom lecture progresses. This proves that even the most competitive and serious students can miss out on important portions of a lecture. So, how does one supplement their learning? The answer to this is video lectures. One of the biggest advantages of learning from a video lecture is that the students can learn at their pace. There is no hurry to take down notes and students can replay the lecture several times for a particular topic or chapter. 


Reinforcement or Revision

Students preparing for JEE exam follow a set itinerary, and reinforcement and revision is an integral component of the same. Experts recommend students to focus more on revision as the days to the examination get closer. If students have access to JEE video lectures, they can always go back to it so as to brush up the important chapters in physics like Kinematics, Vector Algebra, Thermodynamics, etc. anytime.


Doubts Clarification

If you are hesitant to ask a question to your instructor during a classroom lecture, you are not the only one. Thousands of students hesitate or feel shy to raise doubts during or even after the class. Fear of being judged, demotivates students from asking questions in a traditional classroom set-up. However, if students have access to video lectures, they can learn at their pace. They can re-play the same lecture time and again till all concepts are clear. Many institutes that offer online learning to students also offer individual consultation sessions with the faculty. Therefore, students can make the most out of these learning programs and can prepare better for competitive examination like JEE main or advance.


Saves Times & Money

Studying with mathematics or physics video lectures helps students to save up on a lot of time. Students can study from the comfort of their homes and do not require to travel. In addition to this, parents can also save up on the travel cost, fuel and they don’t have to worry about picking up or dropping off their kids to the Institute. Online coaching for engineering is available at a much lower cost than the classroom. This way students can access the best faculty by paying less. 


Every year lakhs of students appear for JEE examination from the remotest corner of the country. Most of the good coaching institutes are concentrated in metros and big cities. Students from the small towns head to these cities in the hope to get better coaching so that they get admitted into the premier institutes like IIT. However, with the help of technology, access to high-quality education even from far off locations is not difficult.