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Are these jobs really all they’re made out to be?
March 20, 2015

There’s a laundry list of careers that look absolutely amazing on paper, like you’re living a glamorous lifestyle, with plenty of money and a job satisfaction that you’d never find anywhere else. You could be saving the world from criminals, traveling the world educating people, or even saving thousands of people from diseases. The truth though is far from glamorous. Most jobs involve hours of boring repetitive work, endless nights spent poring over books in research, or making minor changes to something, that might or might not work at all. It’s true no matter what field you look at, even science.

1)Medical Scientist

Medical scientists create new methods of testing for diseases and coming up with new innovative therapies. It’s not as simple as it’s made out to be. A lot of time is spent researching and testing, which might not always lead to results.


Psychologists spend a lot of time listening to their patient’s problems and trying to help them out or show them how to cope with the issues plaguing their lives. Aside from this, there’s a lot of baggage that comes with dealing with other people’s problems and, there might be others involved too. The rest of the time is spent on study and research due to continually changing treatment methods and the burden of keeping confidentiality. The job growth is also pretty low and so is the median salary.

3)Computer programmer

Some people have a much skewed view of computer programmers. The first that comes to most people’s minds is a somewhat nerdy, smart person who can work magic with every PC out in the wild, able to code his way in and out of any dilemma. In reality, computer programmers have a very rigorous job, that while requiring lines and lines of code is nothing like we see in fiction. Programmers painstakingly create programs, sometimes from scratch, test them exhaustively and spend even more time finding and removing the bugs in the system. Median salaries and the job growth aren’t very high either.

4)Commercial airline pilot

The job of a commercial airline pilot is overly glamourized. We see them portrayed as playful and fun-loving but also serious when the time calls for it, especially when the plane’s in trouble. It’s not all fun and games flying from city to city or halfway across the world. Not only is it mind-bendingly hard to earn a pilot’s licence, it takes even more to be hired to fly commercial aircraft. Commercial piloting is one of the most stressful, and monotonous jobs, with hours spent sitting in a seat, checking the instruments and making sure you’re on the right track. Even more blood pressure inducing is that any slight error could mean the difference between making your destination and not. And let’s not even get into dealing with the passengers.


This occupation has steadily made its way onto the list of overrated jobs, not because of any glamour attached to its reputation but due to the fact that it is one of the toughest jobs to get into and extremely nerve-wracking to boot. The slightest error can end with the loss of the patient under the surgeon’s care, or knife as it may be. Becoming a surgeon is one of the hardest things to do, requiring years of study and more time spent as an understudy with an established practitioner before you make any headway. Despite the fact that there will always be a need for surgeons and the high pay attached, it’s still one of the toughest, most-demanding jobs in the market. If you’ve made a mistake, or cut a corner somewhere, it’s highly likely that you could get sued for everything you have or even be disbarred for practicing, which is why this makes it to the list.