You may think that success comes to those who are naturally talented or are bestowed with good luck.
But, there are many such people who defy this notion with their persistent hard work and unparalleled success.
Did you know, in the beginning of his career, NBA legend Michael Jordan had to practice jump shots to improve theover-all performance? Even William sisters, who are dominating on the tennis court for last so many years, started taking tennis lessons from a young age.
Their hard work and continuous practice on a tennis court has beencrucial in shaping their success story. There are many other famous personalities, who affirm the fact that success comes to those who work hard for it.
Similarly, for JEE, some students are under the impression that success is meant only for those who are ‘born lucky’, but it’s not the reality. With hard work and commitment, aspiring engineers can get admission to any of the prestigious IITs and turn their dream into reality. For instance, you may have a knack for Math and can solve even complicated sums with efficiency, but you still need to practice regularly to enhance your problem-solving skills. Also, to improve upon your weak areas, you need to practice with conviction.
If Organic Chemistry is giving you sleepless nights, then you need to brush up your fundamentals with the help of well-illustrated Chemistry books for IIT JEE and video lectures. Once the fundamentals are right, you can practice as many chemicals equations as possible with varying levels of difficulty.
Practice, Practice & Practice
Study through video lectures |
Take mock tests regularly |
There are different ways in which you can practice well and prepare smartly for JEE Main & Advanced. You need to think beyond traditional methods of learning and look for smart options to enhance your knowledge. From watching recorded video lectures by subject matter experts to taking mock tests, you have many options topractice and study in a productive manner.
Enhance your knowledge through video lectures
With video lectures, you can:
✓ Study at your own pace
✓ Revise regularly
✓ Resolve your doubts instantly
When the goal is as big as securing high scores in JEE Main & Advanced, you need to broaden your horizon of knowledge beyond course books. Online video lectures for JEE can prove to be a great help in enhancing your understanding of different topics and chapters.
For instance, recorded video lectures of AakashiTutor are available on an SD card that can be played easily on your phone or laptop. You can play, replay and rewind these lectures without needing the internet. Whenever in doubt, you can watch chapter-related video lectures by AakashiTutor.
These video lectures are created by subject expertswith years of experience. Also with these video lectures, you can revise at your own pace and convenience. So, instead of wasting your time and energy on studying through poorly-illustrated study materials, you can refer to quality video lectures by a reputed coaching institute.
Take mock tests to analyse your performance level
You need to take mock tests to:
✓ Improve your problem-solving skills
✓ Know your low-scoring areas that need extra attention
Another way to practice hard and improve your learning curve is taking mock tests regularly. By enrolling in a mock test series, you won’t just expose yourself to questions hand-picked by subject matter experts and rankers, but also develop problem-solving skills. From speed to accuracy and confidence in taking difficult questions, mock tests help you improve on all fronts.
When you enroll in a reputed test series like All India Aakash Test Series, you get a detailed analysis of your score after every test, which can help you know your weak areas to work upon subsequently. So, keep your practice on with mock tests!
By following these unconventional but effective methods of preparation, you can put your best foot forward for JEE. All the best!
Are you aware of the fact that food affects exam performance? We have all heard the phrase - a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. However, does your child has healthy eating habits? Are they eating adequality?
Eating healthy is essential for students in order score better in exams. Skipping meals and eating unhealthy junk food can be detrimental to your child’s performance. The human body needs essential nutrients to function adequately, and that is why it is imperative to have healthy eating habits.
Students who are preparing for competitive exams like NEET must eat healthily and stay hydrated to focus better. NEET test is an important exam for students, and they must eat full meals when preparing for this exam.
Why is Breakfast Important?
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and great a way to refuel your body with vital nutrients. Skipping breakfast will make students feel tired and restless which can affect their performance at school and tests. Eating healthy also stimulates the mood and keep children active.
There are several benefits of eating a healthy breakfast.
● Increases Metabolism
● Helps in maintaining a healthy weight
● Enhances Mood and Lowers Stress
● Boosts thinking power
● Essential for daily dietary requirements
● Improves memory and concertation power
● Improves attention span
What to include in your child’s breakfast?
Our brain requires some essential nutrients to perform efficiently. The human brain utilizes 35% of all vitamins and minerals, 20% of all glucose, 40% of all water and 50% of all the fat from out body. Staggering numbers, right? This is what the largest organ of our body consumes.
Brain Foods are the food products which are good at nourishing the human brain and provide the essential nutrients. Food high in carbohydrates, fat, protein, and water are principally good for our brain.
The most essential and easily available brain foods that you should feed your kids are mentioned below.
● Nuts
● Apples
● Blueberries
● Yogurt
● Pumpkin Seeds
● Broccoli
● Sage
● Dark Chocolate
● Green Vegetables
● Eggs
● Turmeric
Say YES to Brain-Boosting Beverages
Water is an essential drink to include in your child’s routine. Make sure your child drinks at least three to four liters of water every day. If your child is dehydrated, it will lead to loss of concentration and induce headaches. Ask your child to drink water at specific intervals even if they do not feel thirsty. Drinking water only when one feels thirsty is a sign of slight dehydration. Fruit juice is also an excellent way to replenish essential nutrients and will help your child in better concentration.
Say NO to Brain Blocking Beverages
Avoid sugary drinks like sodas and cold drinks. They increase the blood sugar level and are complex foods that require more energy to be broken down by the body. Avoid caffeine at all costs since it increases nervousness.
Things to Keep in Mind
Eating a healthy breakfast improves the concentration skills and is good for long-term health. Give you child a balanced diet to enhances their cognitive skills. Make sure you cook foods with low-sugar and high-fiber cereals. Most grains are enriched with high vitamin and mineral contents which contribute to the growth and development of a child. It will also control weight. When students skip their breakfast, they do not replenish their blood sugar, which disturbs their mental abilities. They may feel nervous and hungry and might respond with impatience or petulance. Elevate your child’s mood with their favorite breakfast on the morning of a test.
A student needs proper nutrients to function better. To increase memory retention feed a balanced diet to your child. A week before an important exam like the NEET Test make sure your child has started sleeping well. Getting enough sleep is as important as eating a healthy diet.
Most students have a habit of taking down notes (handwritten) while attending the lecture. It’s a kind of flow that they follow. They find it easy to comprehend and remember things that they have written in their handwriting. It’s true; writing boosts memory. On the other hand, there are some, who have climbed the digital ladder and rely totally on typed or digital notes. Everyone has their way of gathering study materials. You must identify yours!
The question here is “Do typed or digital notes have the same impact as handwritten notes?”
So, if you are a NEET aspirant and havinga hard time deciding the type of NEET study material you want. This is where you will find theanswer to all your questions. The pros and cons of typed and handwritten notes would help you know which way you want to go. Take a look!
The Advantages of Typed Notes
● The biggest advantage of having typed notes is convenience. With easy access to laptops and tabs, keeping notes safe, organisedand easily accessible is no more a problem. Also, it’seasier to lose a notebook than a laptop. All you would need is electricity and internet connection (if your notes are on the web) to access your notes.
● If you have a habit of keeping your NEET study material on a digital platform, it becomes easier for you and fellow aspirants to have access to them. That said, remember that relying on notes prepared by others can land you in trouble as taking notes personally and studying from them is far more effective than reading someone else’s.
● Catching up the pace of the faculty and taking down notes at the same time can result in poorly written notes. Handwritten notes sometimes are so bad that at a later stage even you won’t understand what you have written. This however, is not a problem with typed notes.
● The more cluttered your study space, the more nervous you’ll feel about your preparation. Keeping noteson a digital platform would help you clear the clutter and have instant access to them anytime anywhere.
The Advantages of Handwritten Notes
● Retention is the biggest advantage of preparing handwritten notes. If you want to increase your knowledge and retention power, prepare a good part of your NEET study materialby writing them down in your handwriting.
● Given that the syllabus is vast,writing down everything is not possible. Doing this, you can make your hand hurt. Also, the process isn’t faster. However, taking a step back technologically and making your brain muscles work, would make your grade graph go higher.
● Handwritten notes enhance the learning process as writing makes the brain more active and engages more of your senses. While recollecting what you have studied, it’s easier to recall things you have written instead of what you have read digitally or typed on your laptop.
● Writing boosts memory; it helps you understand things in a better way. You must have seen the elders in the house write things on a piece of paper to remember what needs to be done. Need better grades in NEET? Try writing notes. You’ll yourself see the difference in your learning power.
● Yes, writing is a difficult and time taking exercise, but, reaching the goal that you have defined for yourself needs some brain muscle exercise. So, close the computer and pick up a pen and notebook to give your brain muscles a better shape. Your grades, in the end, would say it all.
Though typed and handwritten notes have their share of advantages, choosing the way that helps you the most is suggested. An effective approach is all you need to crack the NEET examination. All the best!
We are all aware that NEET is one of the most challenging entrance exams in India. Students aiming to become doctors appear for NEET to secure a seat in one the most prestigious medical colleges. Less than a month is left for the exam and students are actively solving NEET test papers to strengthen their preparation. Many students will feel the nervousness surrounding them and the stress is natural in such a crucial time of their careers. Candidates appearing for NEET should keep their morale high and give their best shot.
If you are appearing for NEET then here are five things you must follow while writing the exam.
Take your Seat and Relax
After you reach the exam center on time, look for the seating plan and take your seat. Relax and don’t think about anything. Just keep yourself relaxed and wait for the question paper. Deep breathing will help you curb down nervousness. Don’t let negative thoughts cloud you, and be confident. Trust the hard work you have put in for two years or more.
Read the Question Paper Carefully
Once the question paper is allotted to you, read it thoroughly. Plan your strategy after figuring out the easy, medium, and tough questions. Decide beforehand how much time a question will take and give more weightage to questions with more marks. Also, check whether your question paper is complete and is not missing any pages or has misprints.
Fill Your Details Accurately and Carefully
When you have been handed over the answer sheet, make sure you fill the details accurately. There is no room for error, and you should be very careful while filling your OMR sheet.
Utilize your Strengths First
On the D-day of the examination, it is advisable to attempt the subject you are most confident about first. Attempt the questions that carry the most marks. After you are done with the easy questions, move on to the tougher ones. Once you are done with the questions of a subject, then move on to the next subject. Alternatively, if you are thorough with all the subjects then attempt easy questions first. Always mark questions you have not attempted to review them later. Always remember how you used to solve NEET test papers and implement that strategy.
Move ON
In case you don’tknow the answer to a question, leave it and move on. Do not linger with a question for more than the time it needs. You will be wasting precious time if you spend more time than a question demands.
Stay Positive and Stay Agile
While writing the exam, there will be questions that you may not be able to solve. In that case, move on, and remain confident. The state of mind is crucial, and some students lose concentration and mental agility when they face a roadblock and end up forgetting questions that they actually knew.
It goes without saying that you need to stay hydrated while writing your NEET exam. Dehydration is known to induce headaches and might result in loss of concentration. Carry your water bottle and drink enough but not too much. You cannot afford to lose time by going to a restroom.
Before submitting your answer sheet, crosscheck your answers. Review if you have attempted every question you knew. Double check your details on the answer sheet including your roll number and name.
After the exam is over, keep calm and composed. Don’t discuss your exam right at the exam center. While preparing for NEET always remember to solve NEET test papers and form strategy that will aid in your preparation.
“Cooperative group-based active learning has become one of the benchmark techniques of the reformed, student-centered, introductory biology classroom. In these types of courses, students work together in groups during class to answer questions and solve problems related to key biological concepts” this excerpt is part of an academic paper titled – Is peer interaction necessary for Optimal active learning?
Although this specific reference highlights the benefit of peer interaction in a classroom setting, it is also an excellent way to supplement one’s learning for a self-study approach. Peer interaction not only facilitates better understanding, but also encourages exchange of ideas, study material and useful dialogues.
When preparing for the crucial NEET medical entrance exam, students are not only required to study hard, but should also study smart. Between hard work and smart learning methodology lies peer interaction. When optimally used,it can foster learning and understanding. So, without further ado, let’s discuss some benefits of peer interaction during NEET preparation –
Peer Learning Promotes Active Learning
Analysis, discussion, and evaluation are the crux of active learning. When a group of students get together for a study session a flow of innovative ideas, activities are not far behind. Through peer and active learning, students get to share their strengths and address their weaknesses in a collaborative manner.
Let’s take this following example –
Raghav, Aditya, and Priya have formed a peer study group. All three are medical aspirants. While Raghav is excellent in Physics, Aditya and Priya are struggling with the subject. So, twice a week Raghav interacts with both Aditya and Priya and they reach out to him for doubt clarification.
Conversely, for his struggles in Chemistry, both Priya and Aditya take a turn to clarify Raghav’s doubts on the subject. This is the finest example of how each party has used his or her strength and weakness to work in a collaborative manner.
Peer Interaction Reinforces Self-Learning
So, while a student is tutoring or mentoring his or her peer, they witness personal growth. In their effort to help others, peer tutor needs to focus a lot on their own learning and understanding.
Let’s understand this scenario by the following example:
Raghav, Priya, and Aditya decided to meet for another group study session. It was pre-decided that Raghav would lead the session and will explain Thermodynamics to the group. For the session to go smoothly, Raghav had to study and revise the chapter himself so that the learning he imparts to his peers goes in the right direction. This is the best example to understand how peer interaction encourages self-learning and improvement.
Students feel comfortable when interacting with peers
Peer interaction commands no authority. Although there could be one or two persons with a strong personality, however, everyone in the group is on the same footing. Therefore, students feel freer to voice their opinions and thoughts.
Here is a scenario to explain this point:
The trio (Raghav, Priya & Aditya) are great friends. All three of them are friends since middle school and share a great bond. They don’t judge each other and whenever there is a problem they freely discuss to find a solution. This approach is crucial for NEET medical entrance exam. No doubts or problem should be brushed under the rug. If Aditya is unable to understand a concept in Chemistry or Physics he never hesitates to ask Priya or Raghav the solution for his doubts.
Peer Interaction Boosts Confidence
If you are expert or master of something, the appreciation that you receive from your peers boosts confidence. Similarly, if you are laggingbehind and feel insecure about something, but realize others are also in the same boat, you don’t feel left out.
Take a note from the following example:
As discussed before, Raghav is a master in Physics. So, whenever he is successful in explaining complex numerical or problems in Physics to his friends Aditya and Priya, he feels very happy. In fact, Priya and Aditya often complement Raghav for his aptitude in Physics. This boosts his confidence and motivates him to work harder.
Moral of the Story
Peer interaction begins at the same level. In fact, several institutes of higher learning have acknowledged the benefits of peer learning and have designed positions wherein bright and talented pupils can facilitate learning and understanding amongst their peers.
The secret to your examination’ssuccess can rest in a glass of water. Wondering whatthe connection between stress reduction and water is? Well, all the organs in our body, including our brain, need enough water for proper functioning. If you are hydrated well, your organs function well, and your mind is stress-free. Simple!
Students planning to appear for competitive examinations like NEET dedicate a good part of their student life to solid preparation. Any competitive examination’s preparation needs a certain level of dedication that can prove to be fruitful in the future. NEET is no different. Your child may be busy withNEET preparation for several months, but with just a few days before the examination day, it’s imperative that you take care of his/her body and mind well.
So, is your child lately losing the power to concentrate or has a constant feeling of fatigue and depression? Well, Dehydration could be the reason. Your child is more prone to dehydration when under anxiety because the heart rate gets elevated and the breathing turnseven more vigorous, which results in losing liquid.
What Leads to Dehydration?
Water and salt are the two main components that regulate bodily functions. Deficiencies of these two components lead to dehydration and improper brain operation. Mental exhaustion, memory issues, and mental perplexity can come about when the brainisn'tproperly hydrated.Deficiency of water and salt, shrinks the grey matter in the brain, thus giving rise to several problems. In addition, long-term mineral imbalance can cause premature aging of the brain.
The Impact of Dehydration on the Brain
Mental Fatigue – Students often ignore the importance of drinking water when preparing for the exams. They stay hooked to the books for hours without consuming enough water which leads to stress and fatigue.While NEET
preparation demands good time and concentration, the body requires water for proper functioning. Various studies have shown that students who consume enough water stay happy, stress-free and score better as compared to those who don’t.
Mood Swings
If you have been noticing extreme changes in your child’s behavior, especially from the time he/she started NEET preparation, the reasoncould be improper or less supply of water to the body. While doing complicated tasks, the brain needs enough supply of salt and water to maintain the concentration level. Dehydration primarily affects concentration, cognition and a human’s general ability to think and take decisions. So, if you want to keep your child in a good and stress-free mood, make sure there is always easy access to water in the study area.
Problems with Information Processing and Retention
Multitudes of functions in our body are performed using water, including information processing. The more hydrated the body, the more quickly the brain would process information. So, make a point of keeping your child well hydrated if you are expecting good grades. However, do not force feed water unnecessarily. Drinking more than the required amount also has its drawbacks.
Harder Functioning of the Brain
If your child takes half a minute to solve a problem when hydrated; dehydration maylead to solving the same problem in double the time (or maybe more). It makes the frontal- parietal region of the brain work harder and thus the mental processes take long to conclude. The brain shrinks when kept dehydrated for a long time. This results in fatigue, low concentration power, and focus issues. A well-hydrated body helps the brain to function well. As a result, your child will feel confident about his preparation and would surely score good grades in the examination.
The Benefits of Staying Hydrated
● Drinking ample water can improve your child’s concentration power and maintain memory function.
● Staying hydrated improves the quality of sleep. The better your child sleeps, the better the brain functions.
● A well-hydratedbody has better blood flow throughout the body and processes the right amount of oxygen to the brain.
● Water makes the brain cells healthy.
● A properly hydrated body is free from toxins and radicals.
The Bottom Line
The brain is made mostly of water. No wonder it works well when appropriately hydrated!
With NEET 2017 just around the corner, there is a sense of rising stress and anxiety among all the aspirants in all parts of the country. Going all bonkers a day before the examination is natural. Stress is unavoidable, especially, before a critical examination like NEET. From going through your NEET syllabus 2017 all over again to comforting yourself with a quick session of yoga or meditation, you must have done it all.
However, that feeling of butterflies having a war in your stomach is still there and is leading you towards stress and anxiety. Well, all you need to do is to find ways that will help you deal with all the last-minute thoughts going on in your head and get the confidence game back on track.
Keeping this in mind, here are a fewlast-minute battles to win before NEET 2017, to ensure you are on the right track.
Battles to Win Before NEET 2017
After sacrificing countless nights, staying away from your comfort zone and dedicating a whole year to NEET preparation, it is natural to have some level of stress as the day of the examination approaches. Keeping calm, staying optimistic and doing the right things will certainly help you perform better on the D-day.
Academic Battle
Clearing NEET is a dream of every medical aspirant. Ask any student looking to have a career in the medical field; NEET comes as their first choice. While your preparation might be in full swing, a part of you would have this dot of doubt about how well you have prepared. That constant feeling of uncertainty (not covering important parts of the NEET 2017 syllabus, for instance) needs to be thrown out of the brain during these crucial hours if you do not want to mess up on the D-day.
How to Win
Undoubtedly, NEET syllabus is vast like an ocean, and to fish for the best result; you need to know the exact areas where you need to put in most of your efforts. With all your reference notes and study materials in place, the day before the examination, all you need to do is to have faithin yourself and your preparation. Winning this self-doubt battle is easy; just keep the following things in mind.
● Do not get troubled, follow your study plan and don’t start anything new.
● Do not discuss the syllabus with fellow aspirants. Looking at how well prepared they are,might lower your confidence level.
● Have a balanced approach towards stress and confidence. Relaxation is the key to having a mind free of apprehensions.
Health Battle
Having a healthy mind, body, and soul would help you perform well on the D-day. After keeping yourself nourished all year long, don’t let binging ruin everything right before the examination day. Health is everything. If you are not healthy from inside on the examination day, all your year-long efforts will prove to be useless.
How to Win
Treat yourself well. However, we suggest you plan this treat post examination. Since your body will not acknowledge the sudden change in diet, the chances of you falling sick increase.Bloated stomach and dizziness during the examination are a few things that might happen to you with a sudden change in diet. On the day of the examination avoid consuming the things mentioned below, and you aregood to go.
● Have iron rich food in breakfast.
● Avoid eating junk, oily and spicy food as they can make you feel sleepy.
● Avoid caffeine before the examination if you are not used to it. For that matter, don’t experiment eating anything you have not eaten for a long time.
After the examination, treat yourself with food you love the most. You deserve it!
Emotional Battle
The day before the examination might bring in many thoughts in your mind regarding the result, preparation and performance. Stay focused, calm and confident about all the sacrifices that you have made. You have been strong all year around, and you need to stay the same to perform well.
How to Win
It is a fact that overcoming emotions is not easy. However,it is not impossible. Eliminating self-doubt and keeping an eye on the goal can stop you from getting emotionally troubled.
● Stop thinking about the paper by keeping your mind busy with other things.
● Seclude yourself fora yoga or meditation session and think about excellingon the day of the exam.
● If possible, go for a short run. Running gives an enormous sense of well-being, makes you feel good about yourself and relieves stress and tension.
The Bottom Line
When you are well prepared and all confident about the next day, you are ready. All the best for your big day!
So, you are wondering if you should studyduring the day or at night? Well, to simplify in three words – WHENEVER YOU WANT!
This topic of day vs. night studying has seen endless debates through many generations. Remember your mom waking you up at 4’oclock in the morning to study? Remember your senior from school who got into AIIMS with AIR 7 rank by only studying at night? We know how confusing it can be for students to figure out the right time to study.
Students preparing for competitive exams like NEET are even more concerned about this dilemma. They are already surrounded by NEET preparation books, notes, stationary, and deal with much stress. Add a Day Vs. Night debateand a NEET aspirant is likely to get further confused. If you talk about Day Vs. Night study, then each side has its loyal advocates who will speak lengths about their side.
Let us see how “Day versus Night” debate holds up in the court of science and preference. The call is yours!
Benefits of Studying During Day and Night |
Circadian Rhythm – Better Health |
Avoid Distractions - Peace |
Easier to Communicate - Engagement |
Creativity – Increased Efficacy |
Fresh Mind – More Energy |
Practicing – Make Your Time Count |
Pros of Studying During the Day
Studying during the day is as universal as it gets. Society is structured around daylight, and everything happens during the day. Studying during the day is recommended for many reasons. Let’s find out.
Circadian Rhythm – Better Health
Maintaining sleep rhythm is essential for our well-being, andit helps us to be in tune with nature. Natural light is known to have an impact on the biochemical processesin our body. Our internal body clock is affected by biological cues like the sunlight. Daylight plays a significant role and contributes to our sleep and wake cycles. Since nature has a substantialimpact on our well-being, sunlight can influence our sleep stages and memory processing. Better sleep cycles will assist memory processing of students and make them more active. Also, Vitamin D is anessential requirement of our body and if you spend the whole day sleeping you would miss on the vital nutrients. Daylight also helps in maintaining optimal eyesight.
Easier to Communicate – Community Engagement
It is simplerto contact your friends, teachers, and parents during the day. Apart from studying, socializing is equally important. If you are sleeping during the day, forget meeting you friends or your favorite sport. While preparing for NEET, a student is likely to face many problems including doubts. NEET preparation booksare notenough, and a student must consult a teacher or a friend to resolute their doubts. However, with Aakash iTutor program you have everything at your fingertips. With over 200+ high-quality eBooks to an expert faculty for resolving your doubts.
Fresh Mind – More Energy and Increased Concentration
After a goodnights sleep, and being in sync with the outside world a student is likely to have higher levels of concentration. The increased energy can be effectively used in analytical tasks like studying physics. A student will retain more information and study better.
Pros of Studying at Night
Studying at night has its own set of advantages and is suitable for a lot of people. It is not unusual to study at night.
Avoid Distractions – Peace and Tranquility
By studying at night, a student can avoid distractions of the outside world. A peaceful environment can assist in better understanding of the concepts. If you are a night owl, then studying at night is recommended. Most of your friends are asleep, and your social network will be inactive. You also do not have to worry if your friends are unavailable to help you clear doubts. With Aakash iTutor you can ask questions online and get answers to your problems by Experts. You can also forget about buying NEET preparation books as Aakash iTutor has over 200+ high-quality eBooks curated by expert faculty.
Creativity – Increased Efficacy
Night has a differentallure, and people see things differently at night. It is beneficial for students to study at night since they can see concepts differently, with a different angle. The night is also known to increase creativity and is particularly useful in studying Biology.
Practicing – Make Your Time Count
Studying at night gives students’ a sense of earnestness. If you start studying at night, you are aware of the time limit before the first light enters your room. In this way, a student can accomplish more in less time. Practicing and revising your coursework at night is effectual. The information is fresh in your mind, and the brain picks out information which is worth remembering. Since the distractions are less, students can successfully take tests and review their course more effectively. With Aakash iTutor a student can take over 1000+ practice tests.
The essential point is you should study at the time when you are comfortable irrespective of how others study. If burning the midnight oil helps you retain better, then study at night.Alternatively, if you are an early bird who likes refreshing mornings then make your mornings count. Studying at night or day is merely a preference, and both are fine if you are achieving your set of goals.
NEET is a highly competitive entrance exam and a gateway for students to secure a seat at their favorite medical college.However, like other highly competitive exams, preparing for NEET can be both demanding and stressful.There are several fears that a NEET aspirant might face throughout his journey of preparation. However, these concerns can be conquered effectively by individual practices, and various tools. A student must, however,display determination and evaluate a foolproof study plan if they wish to succeed.
With so many NEET Coaching Centers coming up, students are always in a delusion about what is right for them. Nevertheless, there are different options available for different students; all curated as per their needs. Aakash iTutor is a digital solution for students who prefer self-study. Students can access over 1500+ hours of video lectures, 200+ eBooks, and 1000+ tests,just by sitting at their study table, even without the Internet! The platform also provides Tablet Learning which is preloaded with video lectures, eBooks, and Tests.
Fears of a NEET Aspirant
It is natural for students to be stressed out when battling one of the biggest roadblocks in their careers. Students suffer from several fears when preparing for NEET, most of them are rooted in academic performance which further leads to mental unrest.
Fears |
How can Aakash iTutor Help? |
Syllabus Retention |
1500+ hours of Video Lectures |
Balance Time |
Study at your pace, at your own place |
Peer Pressure |
1000+ practice tests and quizzes |
Revision |
200+ eBooks |
Doubts |
Online Doubt Resolution by Experts |
Syllabus Retention
NEET has become a source of nervousness for students and parents alike. Students need to cover a vast amount syllabus to prepare for NEET. Owing to a large number of topics and its sheer magnitude, students sometimes fear the NEET examination. The more the syllabus, the tougher it gets to study and memorize it for students. With three subjects, viz. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology and more than 50broadtopics it is hard to remember them all. It requires unparalleled dedication and perseverance to memorize and retain everything.
How can Aakash iTutor help?
Students enrolled in the Aakash iTutor program can access over 1500+ hours of video lectures by the institution’s expert faculty. This can assist in learning concepts at your own pace. The advantage of video lectures is that a student can view them any number of times, whenever they have hit a roadblock. Learning from video lectures repeatedly can help them retain concepts far better.
With over 200+ eBooks at just a click away, all syllabus needs are solved at one place. A student enrolled in the program also gets chapter tests prepared by the experienced faculty
Time Management
Balancing time is one of the major fears of a NEET aspirant. Students are entangled into books, NEET Coachingcenters, tuitions, and school. It becomes hard for students to balance their precious time and many fall into a loop with no time for extracurricular activities.
How can Aakash iTutor help?
“Study at your own pace, at you own place,” is the mantra of Aakash iTutor. This program is beneficial for students who prefer self-study and like to maintain their individual pace. It is particularly useful for students who travel long distances to get to their NEET Coaching Centre or tuition. They can utilize this time, energy, and money on studying as opposed to spending it on the commute.
Peer Pressure
Students have a fear of how well their peers and friends are doing. Peer pressure adds too much stress to a student’s career. Most of them are baffled between their own study material and what a particular friend is studying. This adds to theconfusion, and students fear of lacking behind.
How can Aakash iTutor help?
With Aakash iTutor, every bit of syllabus is covered and the high-quality learning content is curated by expert faculty. It also brings more than 1000+ tests at the touch of a finger. Students can also practice tests, quizzes and appear for AIATS (All India Aakash Test Series) to evaluate their performance at the national level. With more time on their hands, students can invest their hours in better learning and understanding.
Revision is assurance of the self. It is necessary and highly decisive in a competitive exam. The more a student learns, chances are they will forget unless they revise and retain it in their permanent memory. Many students avoid revising because of lack of time and over confidence. Revising brings out the veracity and how much a student knows about the syllabus.
How can Aakash iTutor help?
Rich study material is another plus of the programme. A student can review the recorded video lectures again and again. Students can revise from the high-quality eBooks and study material which are curated for the best learnability.
During the NEET journey, a student will come across many doubts regarding concepts, syllabus and even the process of examination. Any student who asks questions, and resolves their doubts will be successful.
How can Aakash iTutor help?
With Aakash iTutor program, students can ask questions online from ‘Ask an Expert” and get answers from subject experts. All the doubts are resolved at the touch of a button. Doubt resolution is necessary for students and the institution is committed to the academic well-being of their students.
Cracking the NEET exam is a milestone that many students dream of crossing. A stepping stone for a career in medicine, Aakash assists students in realizing and conquering their dreams of the medical world.